
Views > Excel charts > How to add labels to show totals in stacked column charts in excel

Stacked Column Charts show how the components contributing to the total vary over time. For example, the chart below shows how the yearly sales of three products add up to the total sales of the company.

One drawback of Stacked Column Charts is that since only one segment of the components is measured against a common baseline, it becomes difficult to compare how all the other floating segments change over time.

The reason why the chart below works as a stacked Column Chart is because the primary purpose of the chart is to compare the sales of Product C versus the sum of sales of Product A and B. And since the sum of sales of products A and B is relatively stable over time, it formed a common base line for Product C sales.

Adding labels to show sales by product is very easy to do in Excel. However, adding labels to show total sales requires some additional effort.

Let’s build this chart in Excel.

The dataset for the graphic above is in the range A2:D10 as shown in the screenshot below.

3. Highlight the range A2:E10 and then, on the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click Insert Column or Bar Chart > Clustered Column. The chart should look like this:



Or alternatively buy product on Gumroad

Or alternatively buy product on Gumroad

Or alternatively buy product on Gumroad

4. While the chart is selected, click the Change Chart Type icon in the Type group under the Chart Design tab.
5. In the Change Chart Type dialog box, select Combo under the All Charts tab.
6. Next, under the Choose the chart type and axis for your data series set the Chart Type to Line for the Total data series and keep Stacked Column for the Product A, Product B and Product C data series as per the below screenshot:

7. Press the Ok button to close the Change Chart Type dialog box. The chart should look like this:

8. In the chart, right-click the "Total" series and then, on the shortcut menu, select Add Data Labels.
9. Next, select the labels and then, in the Format Data Labels pane, under Label Options, set the Label Position to Above.
10. While the labels are still selected set their font to Bold.
11. Next, select the "Total" data series and set its Shape Outline to No Outline in the Shape Styles group under the Format tab. The chart should look like this:

9. Lets do some cleaning. Delete the chart title, the legend, the vertical scale and horizontal gridline.
10. Turn off the border of the Chart Area by setting its Shape Outline to No Outline.
11. Change the chart Font to Trebuchet MS, its color to Black and size to 9. The chart should look like this:

12. Lets do some formatting. Select the "Product C" data series in the chart and then set its Shape Fill, under the Format tab, to light orange and its Shape Outline to white.
13. Repeat step 12 for Product A and Product B data series by choosing light blue and light green for Fill color.
14. Next, select the horizontal axis and set its Shape Outline, under the Format tab, to black and its Weight to 11/2 pts.
15. In the chart, right-click the "Product C" series and, on the shortcut menu, select Format Data Series. In the Format Data Series pane, under Series Options, set the Gap Width to 50%.The chart should look like this:

16. In the chart, right-click the "Product C" data series and, on the shortcut menu, select Add Data Labels.
17. Repeat step 16 for Product A and Product B data series.
18. Next, in the chart select the Legend and then click on Total to select it. Press the Delete key. The chart should look like this:

19. Finally, add a chart title, data source and annotations.
20. Adjust the size of the chart and the chart should look like this:

Thank you for reading, and I hope you found this useful. If you have any questions, find me on Twitter and ask me anything.

How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 3

1. First, we need to add the total sales by year. For that enter the following formula in cell E3:
      = SUM(B3:D3)
2. Copy/Paste Cell E3 into the range E4:E10. The worksheet should look this:

How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 4
How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 5
How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 6
How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 7
How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 8
How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 9
How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 10
How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 11
How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 12
How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 2
How to add labels to show totals in Stacked Column Charts in Excel 1

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